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Quality of a life of patients with a chronic critical ischemia of the lower extremities and an ineffectual attempt of the restoration of a blood-groove before amputation, after amputation and at a stage of prosthetics with the help of own questionnaire with special specificity is analysed.

The indications to the amputation and reamputation the of the lower extremity are formulated.

It is shown, that the duly and correctly executed amputation without the general and local complications in the postoperative period though results to the disablement (invalidisation), but as it is paradoxical sounds, it improves some aspects of quality of a life of the patient. Therefore the amputation is one of regular, though also undesirable methods of treatment of patients in a stage of a critical ischemia.

The conclusion is made, that process of rehabilitation of patients in a stage of a critical ischemia with ineffectual attempt of restoration of a blood-groove after the extremity amputation depending on a way of movement proceeds during 2 periods.

About the authors

P. G. Shvalb

Рязанский государственный медицинский университет имени академика И.П. Павлова

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

C. B. Baranov

Рязанский государственный медицинский университет имени академика И.П. Павлова

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Shvalb P.G., Baranov C.B.

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