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During the period 2006-2007 there were allocated and analysed 457 clinical shtamms of activators of heavy nozocomial infections. The leaders of pathogens at various forms of intrahospital complications are the specimens of gramm negative microflorae - Acinetobacterses spp. (16,63 %) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (14,44 %), the enterococcus were allocated in 13,35 % of cases, the clebsiels – in 11,6 %, the intestinal stick and coagulazo-positive staphylococcus were met practically with identical frequency (9,63 % and 8,75 % accordingly). It is necessary to note enough the high densities of mushrooms of sort Candida (6,35 %). It was noted the statistically significant prevalence of microbic associations among the bacteria grammpositive and grammnegative, the hospital infectious process was confirmed. The seasonal prevalence of shtamms allocation is analysed: the peak of purulent – septic complications in ОRIT is in years months - June (17,3 %) and August (10,0 %), and also for April and October (9,8 % and 9,5 % accordingly); the minimal diseases is registered in winter months. It is more often the nozocomial infection among the young men and women of the most efficient age (20-45 years).

About the authors

O. N. Vorobjeva

Новокузнецкий государственный институт усовершенствования врачей Росздрава

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

M. F. Kamaleeva

Новокузнецкий государственный институт усовершенствования врачей Росздрава

Russian Federation

N. M. Zhilina

Новокузнецкий государственный институт усовершенствования врачей Росздрава

Russian Federation

G. I. Chechenin

Новокузнецкий государственный институт усовершенствования врачей Росздрава

Russian Federation

L. I. Chelpanova

Новокузнецкий государственный институт усовершенствования врачей Росздрава

Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Vorobjeva O.N., Kamaleeva M.F., Zhilina N.M., Chechenin G.I., Chelpanova L.I.

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