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75 healthy people and 163 patients with epilepsy were observed. Using cluster analysis on the basis of characteristics of modeling activity we divided group of patients with epilepsy in 2 subgroups: resultative and low resultative. In low resultative subgroup of patients, the prevalence of symptomatic (structural-metabolic) forms of epilepsy, higher level of generalized seizures after correction of therapy, cognitive disorders and social desadaptation were determined. We studied the characteristics of motor systems (contingent negative variation, F-wave, simple and complex sensory-motor reactions) and vegetative maintenance of activity (parameters of heart rate variability, respiratory function). The insufficiency of activation of motor cortex, decrease of speed of simple and complex sensory-motor reactions, higher level of sympathetic influences in vegetative regulation and activity of respiratory effectors after modeling activity were established. Using artificial neural network technology, we classified the patients in subgroups with different resultness of acitivity. The most important in decision of this task were the characteristics of vegetative maintenance of activity. The excessive activation of stress realizing mechanisms in association with low resultness of activity increase the physiological cost of activity and decrease it’s efficiency.

About the authors

R A. Zorin

Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov

Author for correspondence.
Ph Russian Federation

M M. Lapkin

Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov

Ph., M.D. Russian Federation

V A. Zhadnov

Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov

Ph., M.D. Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Zorin R.A., Lapkin M.M., Zhadnov V.A.

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