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A comparative analysis of the organization features of process achievement the object with using the method of approaching the aim for preschool children and adults. The research objective was to study the emotional, instrumental responses and «stress index» in process of achievement the aim, approaching with different speeds and different subjective value.

Revealed gender-age features of the organization of the functional state of the subjects. Children's reactions were determined emotionally significant factors - speed and value. The verbal instruction of the experimenter determines the actions of adults.The high to low speed modification of the object caused the «collision» of the nervous processesand reflected in changing behavioral and functional state of the subjects. Similar facial reactions identified in response to emotionally significant negative factors in children and women. Unlike women and children, a positive mimic man was observed under the influence of negative stimuli.

Summation of negative emotionally significant factors in all subjects regardless of age and sex played a significant role in the organization of heart rate regulation mechanisms.

About the authors

T G. Kuznetsova

I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Ph Russian Federation

M V. Gorbacheva

I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Ph Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2017 Kuznetsova T.G., Gorbacheva M.V.

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