Medical and social aspects of reproductive behavior and health of residents of Moscow region


The results of the survey 596 women of reproductive age living in the service area of the Moscow Regional Perinatal Center are analyzed in the article. Among the women surveyed 91,2% had a positive attitude toward childbearing and they considered an important condition to create a happy family the presence of children. At that 58,4% of them would like to have in their family of two children and 25,7% - three or more. Only every second woman believes that she has a desired number of children in the family. Has been established that pregnancies in 10,3% cases ended artificial abortion and in 1,9% spontaneous abortion. Reliable differences have been revealed in the frequency of pregnancies depending on the level of education. It was established that with increasing ordinal number of pregnancy reliably reduced the proportion of births a living child. Each tenth of the women surveyed has reported about complications after abortion. 8,9% of respondents have been treated for infertility, 13,0% from the miscarriage. 56,4% of women used protection from pregnancy. With this purpose most often a condom was used and interrupted intercourse.


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