Optimization of evaluation human tendecy for alcohol consumption


The problem of alcohol consumption is one of the major causes of depopulation in the Russian Federation. The particular concern is the alcoholism of teenagers and young adults. Substantiates the relevance of complex factors influence the biological and social risks of substance use among youth. Objective: To develop an integrated system approach predicting human risk of alcohol abuse, combining the functional assessment, psychological and social factors in the formation of demand for psychoactive substances. As the object of the study 89 people of both sexes were involved, 18-23 years of age, students of Volgograd State University. The work was performed in accordance with Articles 5, 6 and 7 "on Bioethics and Human Rights, the Universal Declaration” with registration of informed consent. As a result of complex investigations undertaken identified a number of positions of principle capable of predicting the risk of alcohol abuse human. At the same time, it justified the increased susceptibility to alcohol consumption in individuals with a high level of general non-specific reactivity (UONRO). It revealed highly significant effect of negative feelings from the first samples of alcohol to block alcohol abuse human motivations. At the same time, positive feelings of alcohol during the first trial, significantly increase the risk of alcoholism. It was determined that the vast majority of respondents (95%) did not consume alcohol, brought up in the families of non-drinking parents. In contrast, respondents - consumers of alcohol, in 62% of cases vopityvalis in alcoholic families traditions. Thus, the facts revealed dependence on the combination of alcohol consumption UONRO indicators of psychosomatic condition of the person as a result of the first sample of alcohol and attitudes of members of the parental family to consume alcohol. Based on these data provided a method for predicting the risk of alcohol consumption, which provides a comprehensive account of the functional, psychological and social factors in the formation of demand for psychoactive substances, the possibility of a qualitative typology and differentiation degree of risk of alcohol abuse and algorithmization testing process.


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Copyright (c) 2016 Mulik A.B., Bulatetsky S.V., Ulesikova I.V., Mulik I.G., Nazarova E.V., Shatyr Y.A.

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