
Based on a comparison of data obtained in the study of 54 lateral telerentgenogramm head during physiological occlusion and meziookklyuzii, combined with congenital unilateral cleft lip, alveolar process and palate, found in pathological occlusion of a anterialnoe and low location of the temporo-mandibular joints. By comparing the size of the facial skull in the period gave way and the constant bites found a significant decrease in the size 15 of the 23 studied, reflecting a dramatic underdevelopment of the upper jaw and a violation of face shapes


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Copyright (c) 2011 Khoroshilkina F.Y., P Nabatchikova L., Chobanyan A.G., Manucharyan A.A., Horoshilkina F.Y., Nabatchikova L.P., Chobanyan A.G., Manucharyan A.A.

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