Case management with severe out-patient form of pneumonia audit at the in-patient


The aim of this paper is to evaluate the validity of case management of severe out-patient form of pneumonia using the indicators of quality at the in-patient departments in Ryazan. This audit was carried out on the basis of 102 patients data hospitalized to the in-patient departments in Ryazan in 2005-2009 years period. The mean age of patients was 51,85±1,68 years, 61 patients were males and they predominated over females (59,8%). The indicators of quality were taken by us because they have already proved their reliability in Russia and abroad. Initial antibacterial therapy (70,6%) didn't meet modern clinical recommendations. In less than half cases IV antimicrobial injections were used. Only in 24% of cases we gave step-down antimicrobial therapy. The method of clinical scaling to estimate the severity of patients condition was not applied, only in 24,5% of cases we used pulseoxymetry to find out the stage of hypoxemic abnormality


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Copyright (c) 2011 Almazova E.V., Almazova E.V.

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