Surgical treatment ofduodenal postbulbarulcer complicated withmechanical jaundice


Results of surgical treatment of 87 patients with an postbulbar duodenal peptic ulcer are studied. Classification of postbulbar peptic ulcers, considering degree of involving in periulcerative process biliary tree and papilla Phateri is offered. At suprapapillar ulcers with alteration of common bile duct it is offered to carry out the partial gastrectomy added by biliodigestive anastomosis. The obstructive jaundice which has complicated an juxtapapillar ulcer, can be treated by endoscopic papillosphincterotomy. In case of a deep alteration of a pancreatic head the Whipple procedure may be considered.


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Copyright (c) 2009 Tarasenko S.V., Zaytsev O.V., Motin A.P., Bryantsev E.M., Marakhovskiy S.L., Bakonina I.V., Tarasenko S.V., Zaytsev O.V., Motin A.P., Bryantsev E.M., Marakhovskiy S.L., Bakonina I.V.

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