Psychotherapy of Gambling


The article provides a review on use of different methods of psychotherapy in treatment of gambling both in our country and abroad. Strategic approaches determining the major direction of psychotherapeutic intervention as well as specific methods used in terms of different directions are identified in the review. The shown eclecticism and wide range of approaches to the treatment of gambling patients are explained by existence of miscellaneous views both on the nature of gambling addiction and qualification of its psychopathological phenomena.


Copyright (c) 2009 Buzik O.Z., Agibalova T.V., Bryun E.A., Sizonenko E.V., Dinov E.N., Kolesnikov A.N., Buzik O.G., Agibalova T.B., Breyun E.A., Sizonenko E.V., Dinov E.N., Kolesnikov A.N.

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