
5 groups of male rats were investigated: control group; irreversible ischemia with drug and without; the animals with reperfusion after 2.5 hours of ischemia with drug and without it. Samples for light microscopy (haematoxylin-eosin and TUNEL-analysis) of the risk area (anterior wall of left ventricle) and conditionally intact myocardium (lateral wall and interventricular septum) were taken 72 hours after intervention. Semax were injected intraperitoneally at a dose of 150 mg / kg after 15 minutes and after 2 hours 15 minutes after ligation of coronary artery. The necrosis was formed in the anterior wall area both under irreversible ischemia and ischemia-reperfusion. Substantial morphological changes also developed in areas of relatively intact myocardium. These signs are accompanied by a significant increase of apoptotic index. Semax had no effects on the morphology of myocardium, but significantly reduced apoptosis of cardiomyocytes.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Berdalin A.B., Gavrilova S.A., Golubeva A.V., Buravkov S.V., Koshelev V.B., Berdalin A.B., Gavrilova S.A., Golebeva A.V., Buravkov S.V., Koshelev V.B.

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