Trilemma of health financing in the transition to innovative development of economy


The Financing of health care, according to the author, should be carried out directly from Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (without the involvement of intermediaries), and government must pay above-standard costs. This system allows for co-payments of the population («out-of-pocket»), but they should be limited and clearly defined. Аt the same time government must contribute to the parallel creation of preferential lending medical service. Comparative experience of health care models of developed countries shows that the budget model with the efficient organization of medical aid is cheaper than real competitive insurance model because of the lack of private interest of profit maximization in the budget model. Analysis of the experience of other countries shows that investments in health are investments in efficient human capital, which is essential to the further development of Russia in the framework of an innovative model of development. Therefore, the normal government must guarantee the entire population access to quality health care.


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