Study of L-carnitine effect on the activity of cathepsins B, L, H, and oxidative modification of proteins in muscle organs of rats


We studied the influence of L-carnitine in a dose of 300 mg/kg on the aorta, myocardium and skeletal muscle of the anterior thigh of rats in isolation and in combination with regulators of the synthesis of nitric oxide: L-arginine, L-NAME. Activity of cathepsins B, L and H were studied by spectrofluorimeter method: in sedimentated and non-sedimentated fractions. Oxidative modification of proteins was evaluated by the method of R. L. Levine in modification of E. E. Dubinina. There was an inverse statistically significant strong correlation between the total area of modified proteins and non-sedimentated activity of cathepsin H in the area of the aorta under the action of the isolated carnitine at a dose of 300 mg/kg; and in the influence of L-NAME at a dose of 25 mg/kg, against the use of carnitine 300 mg/kg notes statistically significant strong direct correlation between change of total area оxidative modification of proteins and non-sedimentated activity of cathepsin L.


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