Clinical manifestations of endocrine orbitopathy in patients with autoantibodies to tireoperoksidaze vehicles


The authors conducted a comparative analysis of clinical manifestations of endocrine orbitopathy in patients with Graves disease, depending on whether the presence of antibodies to tireoperoksidaze and their absence. The paper presents direct evidence to show that the persistence of autoantibodies to tireoperoksidaze endocrine orbitopathy affecting clinical manifestations. The Group of patients living with antibodies to SLIP more expressed above proptosis, eyelid edema and oculomotor disorders. Clinical evidence substantiated mul′tispiral′ computed tomography.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Likhvantseva V.G., Sviridenko N.Y., Rudenko E.A., Gontyurova O.A., Vygodin V.A.

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