Serotoninergic structures strengthens vagal responses of the duodenum


The purpose of the study is to determine interaction between parasympathetic division of ANS and serotoninergic structures that regulate duodenal motility. Experiments were performed in 29 Chinchilla rabbits under general anesthesia, mechanical ventilation and bilateral vagotomy. Mechanical and electrical activity of the duodenum was recorded during electrical stimulation of the peripheral part of the right n.vagi in intact animals and after serotonin adipate injection. Found that serotonin enhances vagal effects of the duodenum increasing as power of reactions as their duration. Concluded that the serotoninergic structures, which control duodenal motility, are able to interact to parasympathetic division of ANS.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Sveshnikov D.S., Smirnov V.M.

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