Investigation of pancreas neuroendocrine organization of some fishes’ species ( Pisces)


Immunhistochemical analysis of endocrine pancreas innervation of fishes was spent on 6 species (22 specimen) – Brown-banded cat shark ( Ch. punctatum Müller and Henle, 1838), Motoro Sting Ray ( P. motoro Müller & Henle, 1841), Sterlet (A. ruthenus L., 1758), Anguilla river ( A. anguilla L., 1758), Trout rainbow ( S. irideus L., 1758), Pike usual ( E. lucius L., 1758). Antibodies to glucagon (Lab Vision), insulin (Sigma), neuron specific enolase (Lab Vision), neuron specific β-III tubulin (Abcam), S-100 (Lab Vision), synaptophysin (Abcam) end neuropeptide Y (Abcam) were used for immunhistochemical study. Two mechanism of control functional activity of pancreas were detected. One of them (archaic mechanism) is under construction on immediate regulation of activity endocrine end exocrine cells and functions by means of peripheral nervous system. The other operates by means of synthesis of signal endocrine cells’ neuropeptides.


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Copyright (c) 2012 Savelieva E.S., Proshchina A.E., Saveliev S.V.

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