The life quality of the patients who have sustained the partial gastrectomy concerning the peptic ulcer


A life quality comparative studying on scale SF-36 of three groups of patients is made: 1st – peptic ulcer disease patients (n=44), 2nd and 3rd – the respondents who have sustained, accordingly, a partial gastrectomy by Bilrot-I (n=75) and Bilrot-II (n=34). A life quality of the patients who have sustained a partial gastrectomy both on Bilrot-I, and on Bilrot-II, has appeared authentically above quality of a life of the patients, suffering a peptic ulcer. A life quality of the patients who have sustained a partial gastrectomy by Bilrot-I, on scales of physical functioning and the general health is authentic above quality of a life of the patients who have sustained a partial gastrectomy by Bilrot-II. Comparative studying of quality of a life of the respondents who have sustained a partial gastrectomy by Bilrot-I in tubular and classical variants has not taped authentic differences on one scale SF-36.


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Copyright (c) 2011 Tarasenko S.V., Zaitsev O.V., Kopeykin A.A., Rahmaev T.S., Natalsky A.A., Bakonina I.V.

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