Heart beat regulation during load test


Ingenious methods of cardiac rhythmgram analysis (CRG) during a load testing are used to study the heart beat (HB) and its regulation. As a result of the CRG cluster analysis of a mixed youth population: 272 persons of 17±2 years old 3 clusters are determined differing by the mixed endurance level. It is established that the latter is the basis of the activity of the autonomic (vegetative) nervous system that determines the recovery rate, as well as the HB variability up to its abnormalities. Vegetative regulation improvement within endurance training reduces the possibility of HB abnormalities by changing the value of their onset from the vegetative dystonia marker to the physical exertion and overtraining predictor. We have determined the possibility for the further study of the heart beat and its regulation with the purpose of early detection of the exercise learning by an organism and preventive measures against overload and overtraining effects.


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