
Our experience in use of biologic implant Permacol is shown in the article. An experiment on rabbits was made to compare biologic characteristics of implants Prolen and Permacol, in the result of which Permacol proved good biocompatibility and high resistance to tissular enzymes and infection. In the faculty surgery clinic based on the coloproctological department of Ryazan Regional Clinical Hospital Permacol was used twice: for replacement of anterior abdominal wall defect and for replacement of pelvic floor defect after extended operations on oncological patients. Both cases we had good results. Our experience allows to recommend use of Permacol not in open wound, but cover the prosthesis with skin.


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Copyright (c) 2014 Khubezov D.A., Trushin S.N., Ogoreltsev A.Y., Mnihovich M.V., Puchkov D.K.

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