Using of combination of the dermal matrix with allogeneic cells for treatment of extensive traumatic wounds


The article presents a comparative analysis of the efficiency of allogeneic progenitor cells with different biological carriers for preparation of extensive traumatic wounds to autodermoplasty. As carriers were selected dermal matrix and collagen first type of human. The article presents the results of treatment of 43 patients. Based on these data the effectiveness of the combination of allogeneic progenitor cells and dermal matrix is demonstrated. This combination reduces the incidence of purulent complications and reduce the time of prepare wounds for autodermoplasty.


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Copyright (c) 2014 Khubutia M.S., Pokhitonov D.Y., Borovkova N.V., Filippov O.P., Kljukvin I.Y., Khvatov V.B., Ponomarev I.N., Shugay S.V., Andreev Y.V.

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