Features of examination of patients with coronary heart disease in outpatient practice according to observation in a registry study


Basing on the analysis of a registry study, of the usage of diagnostic methods in patients with coronary heart disease in the outPatient setting, and their comPliance with the guidelines of the Russian Society of Cardiology were assessed. An outpatient registry included 3672 patients with hypertension, coronary heart disease, heart failure and atrial fibrillation who aPPealed to theraPist or cardiologist for medical aid. High incidence rate of CHD with hypertension (98.9 %) and CHF (91.3 %) was registered in the study. The registry revealed lack of active CHD patients follow-up by therapists and cardiologists, insufficient use of instrumental and laboratory diagnostic techniques for the confirmation of coronary artery disease.


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Copyright (c) 2014 Pereverzeva K.G., Vorobev A.N., Nikulina N.N., Moseichuk K.A., Pravkina E.A., Yakushin S.S.

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