Association of polymorphism of AGT (T174M), TNF-A (G308A) and MTHFR (A222V) with desadaptive remodeling of heart after a Q-myocardial infarction


The results of the study of morphological and functional parameters of the heart, gene polymorphism AGT (T174M), TNF-Α (G308A) and MTHFR (A222V) in patients after Q-myocardial infarction with chronic heart failure, II, III functional class. In patients undergoing Q- myocardial infarction adverse clinical phenotype of chronic heart failure is associated with alleles and genotypes T/M, M/M gene AGT (T174M), and A allele genotypes A/G, A/A gene TNF-α (G-308A), C allele and genotype C/T gene MTHFR (A222V).


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