Associations of acrocentric chromosomes in small-for-date newborns from different ecological zones of Precarpathia


The analysis of umbilical cord blood of 174 healthy newborns and 152 small-for-date newborns from different ecological districts of Ivano-Frankovsk region has been performed in order to evaluate the rate of associations of acrocentric chromosomes in neonates from Precarpathian Ukraine. The rate of associations of acrocentric chromosomes in newborns with intra-uterine growth retardation syndrome from the investigated ecological zones was 3,91; 3,0 and 2,07% higher than in healthy newborns from zones of ecological comfort, chemically polluted territories and zones of radiation contamination consequently. The analysis of the average number of associations of acrocentric chromosomes within one cell showed the tendency to the increase of the actual rate in small-for-date newborns from all the investigated zones as compared to its rate in healthy newborns.


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