Status and dynamics of parameters of use of bed capacity of oncological profile in Russian Federation

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In the Russian Federation (RF) a steady growth of morbidity with oncologic diseases is
observed. An important factor of reduction of negative influence of oncopathology on the
parameters of public health is provision of the population with specialists and beds of oncological profile, as well as their effective use.

Aim. To determine the status and identify dynamics of the main parameters of use of beds
of oncological profile of the state healthcare system of RF, federal districts and constituent entities of RF in comparison with tendencies of parameters of morbidity with malignant neoplasms,
and also of provision of the population with medical personnel in the period from 2010 to 2019.

Materials and Methods. Using the data of the Federal statistical observation forms (№30, 47, 14LC, 7) based on the calculation of absolute and relative parameters by the descriptive statistics method, the analysis of the main parameters of the use of bed resources of «oncology» profile was carried out in comparison with the parameters of morbidity with malignant neoplasms and provision of the population with medical personnel in 24-hour and day-stay hospitals in the Russian Federation, federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2010-2019.

Results. During the study period, with the underlying increase in the morbidity of the
population with diseases of «neoplasm» class (primarily, malignant) in the Russian Federation, there was found a regular increase in: the absolute number of oncological beds for 24-hour stay by 5.216 beds (+16.8%), provision with these beds from 2.17 to 2.47 per 10 000 population (+13.8%), hospitalization rate from 6.1 to 9.6 per 1000 population (+57.4%); and a decrease
in: average stay in an oncological bed by 3.7 days (-30.6%, from 12.1 to 8.4 days), and the
average bed occupancy by 15 days per year (-4.3%, from 345 to 330 days). Mortality in cancer beds increased from 0.76% in 2010 to 0.95% in 2019 (by 25.0%). There was an increase in the provision of the population with oncological beds in day-stay hospitals – by 3.4 times, in day-stay hospitals of polyclinics – by 63.6%.

Conclusion. With the underlying growth of oncological morbidity in the country, the bed capacity of the oncological profile of 24-hour and day hospitals has significantly increased, with a high level of disproportional development of the bed capacity both between federal districts and between the subjects of the Russian Federation.

About the authors

Valeryan A. Evdakov

Scientific and Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Informatization of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5836-4427
SPIN-code: 8294-2939

MD, PhD, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Scientific Basis for the Organization of Outpatient Care Department

Russian Federation, 127254, Moscow, Dobrolubova str., 11

Marina N. Banteva

Scientific and Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Informatization of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2521-4377
SPIN-code: 4529-3252

MD, PhD, Leading Researcher of the Scientific Basis for the Organization of Outpatient Care Departmen

Russian Federation, 127254, Moscow, Dobrolubova str., 11

Elena M. Manoshkina

Scientific and Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Informatization of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6161-440X
SPIN-code: 5949-9970

MD, PhD, Leading Researcher of the Scientific Basis for the Organization of Outpatient Care Department

Russian Federation, 127254, Moscow, Dobrolubova str., 11

Yuriy Y. Melnikov

Scientific and Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Informatization of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7393-6964

MD, PhD, Leading Researcher of the Scientific Basis for the Organization of Outpatient Care Department

Russian Federation, 127254, Moscow, Dobrolubova str., 11

Liudmila V. Rugol

Scientific and Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Informatization of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2983-8774

MD, PhD, Leading Researcher of the Department of Human Resources Policy Development in Health

Russian Federation, 127254, Moscow, Dobrolubova str., 11


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