
In the work in vivo test of the gel based on chitosan with additions of miramistin, methyluracil and ascorbic acid were performed. The gel was prepared by solution of 2% chitosan in 0.5% acetic acid during 24h with the subsequent filtration through the glass filter with the average pore size. To obtain the modified gels the above mentioned substances were added to the solution in the proper concentrations. In vivo investigations were conducted using laboratory male rats with the modeled burns of IIB degree, which were randomized in the control and experimental groups. The last 3 days after application of burns, twice a day the wound surface was treated with different modifications of chitosan-based gels. Histological study has shown the decrease of inflammation reaction and edema in biopsy material, acceleration of epithelization on the wound surface and decrease of wound repair terms by 2-3 days. Microbiological investigation revealed the high bacteriostatic action of chitosan gel against the most species of burn surface microflora, which allowed avoiding infectious complications.


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Copyright (c) 2012 Pogorelov M.V., Kalinkevich O.V., Ivakhnyuk T.V., Moskalenko F.R., Bonchev S.D., Danilchenko S.N., Sklyar A.M., Kalinkevich A.N., Sikora V.Z., Romanyuk A.N.

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