Analysis of the main epidemiological parameters of morbidity with tuberculosis of children and adolescents of the Ryazan region in 2010–2019

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AIM: This study aimed to identify the main trends of the epidemiology of tuberculosis in children and adolescents in the Ryazan Region (RR) by analyzing the main epidemiological parameters of morbidity in 2010–2019.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The morbidity of children and adolescents with tuberculosis in the RR was subjected to retrospective epidemiological analysis. The data of the official and reporting documentation of the Ryazan Regional Clinical Antituberculosis Dispensary and the materials of the state reports of Territorial Administration of Rospotrebnadzor (On the Condition of Sanitary–Epidemiological Well–Being of Population) in 2010–2019 were used. The main epidemiological parameters of morbidity due to tuberculosis were calculated using mathematical methods.

RESULTS: The proportion of children and adolescents in the structure of morbidity due to tuberculosis in the RR in 2010–2019 decreased by 3.9 times and reached 6.09% in 2019. The morbidity caused by the active form of tuberculosis in children (0–14 years) and adolescents (15–17 years) evidently declined by -20.7% and -11.5%, respectively. In children, respiratory tuberculosis predominated (55%–100%), and the leading clinical form was tuberculosis in intrathoracic lymph nodes (77%). In adolescents, only pulmonary tuberculosis was identified, and focal tuberculosis was the predominating clinical form (43%). In the study period, the highest morbidity in children was recorded at the age of 7–14 years. No cases of mortality among children and adolescents with tuberculosis were recorded in 2010–2019. In 2018–2019, the primary infection and the risk of infection among children under 14 years of age increased from 1.3% (2018) to 1.8% (2019) and from 2.6% (2018) to 3.3% (2019), respectively. This result might indicate that morbidity due to tuberculosis increased. The majority of ill children and adolescents were identified among vaccinated ones, suggesting that the protective properties of the vaccine were insufficient (80%).

CONCLUSION: The morbidity of children and adolescents with tuberculosis decreased, and this decrease directly associated with the general improvement in the status of tuberculosis in the country; in particular, tuberculosis foci in the RF decreased by 2.2 times [4]. In the study period, the morbidity of children (0–14 years) decreased by 3.5 and 2.1 times in the RR and RF, respectively. The morbidity of adolescents (15–17 years) decreased by 3.1 and 2.2 times in the RR and RF, respectively. The mortality of children and adolescents in the RP was 0.0 per 100,000 population of the given age groups. In the RF, their mortalities reduced by 6.5 and 1.6 times, respectively [4].

About the authors

Elena L. Senkina

Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1788-8053

Associate Professor of the Department of Epidemiology

Russian Federation, 9, st. High-voltage, Ryazan, 390026

Inna V. Seregina

Regional Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6157-2529

Doctor of the Dispensary Department for Children

Russian Federation, 15, Golenchinskoe highway, Ryazan, 390046


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Morbidity of children aged 0–14 years (per 100 thousand children of the given age) in 2010–2019. In the Ryazan region, 20.7% decline was recorded.

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3. Fig. 2. Morbidity of adolescents (age: 15–17 years) with tuberculosis per 100 adolescent population in 2010–2019. In the Ryazan region, 11.5% reduction was recorded.

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4. Fig. 3. Morbidity of children aged 0–14 years with active tuberculosis (per 100 thousand children of the given age) in the Ryazan region in 2010–2019; 21% reduction was recorded.

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5. Fig. 4. Morbidity of adolescents with all forms of tuberculosis per 100 thousand adolescent population in the Ryazan region in 2010–2019; 17% reduction was recorded.

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6. Fig. 5. Morbidity of children aged 0–14 years with tuberculosis (per 100 thousand children of each given age group) in the Ryazan region in 2010–2019.

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Copyright (c) 2021 Senkina E., Seregina I.


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