Monitoring behavioral risk factors for chronic noncommunicable diseases in 2014


To estimate the prevalence of behavioral risk factors and awareness of the Ryazan area about them. The study included 367 people of the urban population aged 25-64 years living in the Railway area of Ryazan. Among the included in the study was 157 (42,8%) men and 210 (57,2%) women. Distribution of citizens by sex and age in the sample corresponds to the distribution by sex and age of the population of the Ryazan region (p>0,05). In the study of harm from a variety of risk factors respondents gave less importance overweight, high blood pressure and nutrition, physical activity than smoking or alcohol. The most popular sources of information on risk factors was the Internet, television, and popular scientific literature. Among all the examined 35% of men and 8% of women currently smoke. 9% took more than 5-6 doses of alcohol for 1 time, indicating the need for building a culture of its use. 4,5% of respondents abused alcohol. Level of anxiety/depression of the population not changed - 40,3% Although not a small positive trend in reducing the prevalence of some risk factors (smoking, alcohol), their level is still high, and this dictates the need for further work to promote a healthy lifestyle, nutrition and combating the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases.


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