Comparative characteristics cultural properties of adherent cells derived from bone marrow of multiorgan donors and tissues donors


Purpose of work - compare cultural properties of adherent cells derived from bone marrow of multiorgan donors and tissues donors, to assess the possibility of using these cells in clinical practice. Materials and methods. Adherent culture cells from cadavers bone marrow were obtained using standart methods of isolation, scaling, and passaging cells. In culture, counted the number of CFU-F, proliferating activity of cell , their complies with the minimal criteria for defining multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSC) and compatibility with allogeneic tissue grafts. The Results. In cultures of cells derived from multiorgan donors and tissues donors the number of CFU-F was 0,0004% and 0,00024%, while the duration of the phase "rest proliferative" was 3-4 and 10-12 days respectively. All examined cell culture after the second passage have gained a high degree of homogeneity, and the cells were complies the minimum criteria hMSC. Conclusion: bone marrow of multiorgan donors and tissues donors can be used for obtain hMSC, suitable for creating a combined cellular-tissue grafts for clinical use.


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Copyright (c) 2015 Hubutija M.S., Ponomarev I.N., Konjushko O.I., Makarov M.S., Borovkova N.V.

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