
Fetal brain was retrospectively evaluated in normal fetuses at 16-27 weeks of gestation, obtained by multiplanar echography. In axial cerebral plane was measured transverse cerebellar diameter. All measurements were done from as the widest diameter across both hemispheres in an outer-to outer fashion. In mid-sagittal plane was measured craniocaudal diameter and anteroposterior diameter of the cerebellar vermis. Craniocaudal diameter was defined as maximum distance between cranial and caudal surfaces of the vermis, anteroposterior diameter was defined as the maximum distance between anterior and posterior surfaces of the vermis. Normal range plotted on the reference range of the transverse cerebellar diameter, craniocaudal diameter and anteroposterior diameter of the cerebellar vermis. Measuring of its size may be useful for comprehensive ultrasound assessment of the fetal cerebellum in the second trimester of pregnancy.


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