
Determined the chemical composition of the main tree species, understory and ground cover of pine plant communities Meshchera. These areas belong to the National Park and area natural geochemical sample "background", because quite removed from sources of industrial pollution. However, the pine forest biogeocenoses formed on mineralogiccally a poor substrate, under conditions of pronounced deficit of nutrients. In these conditions, a large role is played by the position of phytocenoses in the microrelief and the groundwater level. The features of the absorption and accumulation by plants of calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, zinc and copper. Revealed a pronounced deficiency of calcium, magnesium and copper in coniferous species with a relative accumulation of vegetation iron and manganese. It is established that intensive extraction of chemical elements from the soil and rapid treatment in the plant-soil system ensures the stable operation of biogeocenoses pine forests with initially low availability of nutrients.


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