Prognostic significance of degree histologically malignant ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma


The article presents the results of a study of 47 patients (22 males and 25 females) PAK prostate treated at Institute of Surgery. A.V. Vishnevsky from 2005 to 2012. The age of patients ranged from 47 to 76 years, mean age was 60 years. In 24 patients at the time of surgery was diagnosed IIb (pT2- 3, N1) tumor stage, 19 - IIa (pT2-3, N0), have 3 -III (pT4), from 1 - Ib (pT2, N0). In 27 observations revealed metastases to regional lymph nodes (N1). Staging was performed according to the revision of the International Classification of 7 TNM (UICC, 2010). The results also show that such clinical and morphological characteristics as gender, patient age, stage and tumor size did not affect the postoperative survival. No significant correlation between patient survival and tumor grade (grade), determined by the degree of differentiation, as recommended by WHO. In contrast, when using the Gleason system, which takes into account not only the most abundant component in the tumor, but also the second most common, obtained a significant correlation with postoperative survival rates, making this a promising grading system for use in the diagnosis of ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas.


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Copyright (c) 2013 Filippova E.M., Pakhlim O.V., Chekmareva I.A., Kochatkov A.V., Lebedeva A.N., Kravchenko E.V.

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