Autonomic "portrait" of different signs emotions subjective experience


Purpose - to identify the specificity in objective autonomic manifestations of different signs emotions of healthy persons in relation to subjective emotional phenomenology. When benchmarking subjective self-reports of experienced emotions and values autonomic in the process of laboratory simulation in 30 subjects negative and positive emotions found that the degree and sign of subjectively evaluated emotional experiences did not always correspond to characteristics of emotion-generating stimulus, and "autonomic portrait" did not associated with the severity and the "sign"of emotional subjective experiences. Students, subjectively experienced vividly expressed strong negative emotions, did not display adequate autonomic activation, but in modeling of positive emotions they retain the negative emotional background and prolonged sympathetic overactivation in cardiovascular functions. In subjects with dominance of positive subjective assessments of their emotional status in modeling of psychological stress and in relaxation minimum shifts to parasympathetic autonomic regulation were observed.


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