Experience of application of mechanochemical scleroobliteration in treatment for recurrence of lower extremity varicose vein disease

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Aim. Evaluation of the effectiveness of mechanochemical scleroobliteration in treatment for recurrent lower extremity varicose veins (VVD).

Materials and Methods. A retrospective analysis of the results of examination and treatment of 19 patients (17 women and 2 men, average age 36.3±4.5 years) with recurrences of VVD, in whom mechanochemical sclerotherapy as the main method of treatment was used. In all cases, mechanochemical ablation of the superficial venous trunks was performed using Phlebogriph catheter. As a hardener, 3% sodium tetradecyl sulfate solution (fibro-vein) was used in the volume not more than 10 ml per procedure.

Results. According to the CEAP classification, 15 patients had C2 and 4 patients had C3 class. Recurrence of VVD in one lower extremity was diagnosed in 17 (89.5%) patients, and bilateral – in 2 (10.5%). In 6 (31.6%) cases, recurrence occurred in 5 or more years after the first operation, in 8 (42.1%) patients – after 3-5 years, in 5 (26.3%) – after 1-3 years. The diameter of varicose veins before treatment according to color duplex scanning (CDR) was 7.9±0.8 mm. The duration of the detected saphenofemoral reflux (n=10) with the trunk of the great saphenous vein (GSV) left on the hip was 5.7±1.4 s, with the length 31.2±31.4 mm. With the preserved зtrunk of the GSV, crossectomy was performed in combination with mechanochemical scleroobliteration. Crossectomy was also performed in two patients with repeated dilation of the trunk of the small saphenous vein (SSV) followed by mechanochemical scleroobliteration. In two cases, insufficient shin perforants were ligated from mini-incisions, and in two more cases, foam scleroobliteration of them was performed. Within 3 weeks after the procedure, a good result was recorded in 94.7% of cases in the form of complete occlusion of sclerotized veins with the absence of reflux in them. Only in one observation incomplete occlusion of the sclerotized vein on the hip was noted, which required a repeated procedure. Long-term results were studied in 19 patients, in 94.7% of who complete obliteration of sclerotized veins and improvement of the clinical course of chronic venous disease were recorded.

Conclusion. Mechanochemical scleroobliteration has proven to be an effective method of treatment for lower extremity VVD being a minimally invasive procedure.

About the authors

Alidzhon D. Gaibov

Ibn Sina Tajik State Medical University; Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery

Email: sadriev_o_n@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3889-368X
SPIN-code: 5152-0785

MD, PhD, Correspondent Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases №2; Сurator of the Vascular Surgery Department

Tajikistan, Dushanbe

Okildzhon Ne’matzoda

Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery

Author for correspondence.
Email: sadriev_o_n@mail.ru

MD, PhD, Leading Researcher of the Department of Vascular Surgery

Tajikistan, Dushanbe

Shakhnoza M. Burieva

Ibn Sina Tajik State Medical University

Email: sadriev_o_n@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8862-4031
SPIN-code: 1345-9657
ResearcherId: ААС-7511-2020

PhD-student of the Department of Surgical Diseases №2

Tajikistan, Dushanbe

Egan L. Kalmykov

Republican Scientific Center of Cardiovascular Surgery

Email: sadriev_o_n@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6784-2243
SPIN-code: 8623-8897
ResearcherId: K-9827-2013

MD, PhD, Researcher

Tajikistan, Dushanbe


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Copyright (c) 2020 Gaibov A.D., Ne’matzoda O., Burieva S.M., Kalmykov E.L.

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