Clinical case of endovideoscopic treatment of choledocholithiasis complicated with mirizzi’s syndrome

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Mirizzi's syndrome is a rare and severe consequence of cholecystocholedocholithiasis, the treatment and diagnosis of which presents significant difficulties. The question of selection of the method of surgical treatment of choledocholithiasis, complicated with Mirizzi’s syndrome, still remains open today. The article describes a clinical case of choledocholithiasis, complicated with Mirizzi’s syndrome, and the original technique of its surgical treatment. The described clinical case is interesting from the point of view of demonstration of the original technique of endovideososcopic treatment of this disease.

About the authors

Sergey V. Tarasenko

Ryazan State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0032-6831
SPIN-code: 7926-0049
ResearcherId: E-8173-2018

MD, PhD, Professor, Head of Hospital Surgery Department

Russian Federation, 9,Vysokovoltnaja,Ryazan,390026

Oleg V. Zaitsev

Ryazan State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7766-2043
SPIN-code: 4556-7922
ResearcherId: R-6830-2016

MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Hospital Surgery Department

Russian Federation, 9,Vysokovoltnaja,Ryazan,390026

Daniil O. Tyulenev

Ryazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5919-2180
SPIN-code: 6459-4322
ResearcherId: E-8172-2018

PhD student of Hospital Surgery Department

Russian Federation, 9,Vysokovoltnaja,Ryazan,390026

Aleksandr A. Kopeikin

Ryazan State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3994-3909
SPIN-code: 4011-8705
ResearcherId: E-8178-2018

MD, PhD, Assistant of Hospital Surgery Department

Russian Federation, 9,Vysokovoltnaja,Ryazan,390026


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Copyright (c) 2018 Tarasenko S.V., Zaitsev O.V., Tyulenev D.O., Kopeikin A.A.

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