Evaluation criteria of the severity degree of sympathetic uveitis course depending on clinical evidence



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The prognosis of development and outcomes of sympathetic ophthalmia depend on many factors including adequate treatment and period of treatment. Absence of treatment or inadequate treatment result in vision loss and disability. 9 cases of sympathetic uveitis after penetrating eyeball trauma were analyzed for the 12-year period. Evaluation criteria of sympathetic ophthalmia severity according to periods of the disease course are suggested. This allowed systematizing and classifying treatment approaches.


Olga Levanova

Kirov Teaching Ophthalmology Hospital

Email: masterlev@gmail.com
MD, PhD, Doc.Med.Sci., head of surgery department

Larisa Popova

Kirov Teaching Ophthalmology Hospital

Email: urickogo51@mail.ru

Alexandr Chuprov

Kirov Teaching Ophthalmology Hospital

Email: oft_kirov@mail.ru
MD, PhD, Doc.Med.Sci., head physician


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版权所有 © Levanova O.G., Popova L.I., Chuprov A.D., 2015

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