Using Stelfrine supra 2.5% for children with accommodation and refraction disabilities




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AIM: To assess the effect of Stelfrin supra (phenylephrine 2.5%) on the condition of accommodation, refraction and evaluate subjective comfort in instillation and adolescents with various refractive disorders.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Examined 45 people with mild emmetropia and hyperopia with symptoms of habitual excess tension of accommodation (15 people), with mild myopia (15 people), with moderate myopia (15 people) at the age of 7 to 16 years. Visometry, autorefractometry, assessment of the volume of absolute accommodation (positive and negative parts), subjective assessment of asthenopic complaints according to the OSDI scale were carried out before and 1 month after daily instillations of Stelfrin supra (phenylephrine 2.5%).

RESULTS: After 1 month of instillation of the Stelfrin supra, the manifestations of accommodative asthenopia in the vast majority of patients in the study groups decreased, the habitual tonus of accommodation decreased, the volume of absolute accommodation increased, most significantly – its negative part. The uncorrected visual acuity increased by 31% in patients of group 1 with emmetropia and mild hyperopia with habitually – excessive tension of accommodation. The uncorrected visual acuity increased by 23% in patients of group 2 with mild myopia. An increase in the margin of relative accommodation was noted in patients of groups 1 and 2. Instillation of the drug was not accompanied by severe discomfort in the vast majority of patients.

CONCLUSIONS: Stelfrin supra has shown its effectiveness in accommodating and refractive disorders in childhood and can be recommended in the treatment of children with accommodation disorders, asthenopia and mild to moderate myopia.


Valeria Pekerskaya

Nizhny Novgorod Regional Children’s Hospital



俄罗斯联邦, 211, Vaneeva str., 603006, Nizhny Novgorod

Ekaterina Zhuravleva

LLC Doctor Lens

俄罗斯联邦, Nizhny Novgorod


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2. Fig. 1. The usual tone of accommodation

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3. Fig. 2. Volume of absolute accommodation

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4. Fig. 3. Positive margin of the relative accommodation

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5. Fig. 4. Negative margin of the relative accommodation

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版权所有 © Pekerskaya V., Zhuravleva E., 2021

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