The results of the keratoconus treatment of different degree by “Alloplant” dispersed biomaterial





In this article there are presented the research results of keratoconus index after “Alloplant” dispersed biomaterial insertion. There were examined 27 individuals of different keratoconus phase. The obtained results showed that the postoperative change intensity of keratoconus index depends on the initial level of these parameters and keratoconus degree. The research results testify to the low-gradual improvement of the cornea condition and its optic properties.


Venera Galimova

Federal State Budgetary Institution “The Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre”

Doctor of Medicine, Professor, 1-st Deputy Director

Yevgeniy Gareyev

Federal State Budgetary Institution “The Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre”

PhD in Biology

Rustem Shakirov

Federal State Budgetary Institution “The Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre”



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版权所有 © Galimova V.U., Gareyev Y.M., Shakirov R.F., 2013

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