The dry eye syndrome in patients treated for breast cancer and methods to correct it





Treatment for breast cancer in women promotes the dry eye syndrome and its worsening during chemo- and hormonotherapy courses, this fact being warranted by dry eye syndrome diagnostic tests. It is the authors’ opinion, that the dry eye syndrome treatment using a Cyclosporine A based medication in combination with artificial tears leads to considerable improvement. I case of inflammatory component overlay (redness, eye pain at ocular movements), such therapy is most effective. In all patients, the treatment was well tolerated, with positive dynamics noted. After a local treatment course, dry eye syndrome diagnostic tests’ results reached normal values.


Mariya Kovalevskaya

N. N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Academy

Email: turowez89@mail
MD, doctor of medical science, professor. Department of ophthalmology

Yekaterina Turovets

N. N. Burdenko Voronezh State Medical Academy

Email: turowez89@mail
aspirant, Department of ophthalmology


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