Mycotic keratitis diagnosis and treatment





Yuriy Astakhov

I. P. Pavlov State Medical University

doctor of medical science, professor, head of the department of ophthalmology

Yelena Skryabina

City multi-field hospital N 2

MD, Microsurgery department N 4

Yanina Konenkova

City multi-field hospital N 2

MD, head of department. Microsurgery department

Farkhod Kasymov

I. I. Mechnikov North-West Medical University

MD, PhD, assistant professor, ophthalmology department N 2

Tatyana Bogomolova

I. I. Mechnikov North-West Medical University

MD, assistant professor, department of medical microbiology

Olga Pinegina

I. I. Mechnikov North-West Medical University

assistant professor, department of medical microbiology


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版权所有 © Astakhov Y.S., Skryabina Y.V., Konenkova Y.S., Kasymov F.O., Bogomolova T.S., Pinegina O.N., 2013

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