The anterior ischemic optic neuropathy treatment using the dispersed “Alloplant”





In this article, the results of a study are presented on the influence of the therapeutic retroscleral filling by dispersed “Alloplant” biomaterial upon blood supply and visual functions of the eye. 47 patients (69 eyes) suffering from anterior ischemic optic neuropathy sequelae were examined. Obtained results allowed to study the degree of relationship between the following indices: resistance index of ocular vessels, visual acuity and electrophysiological data, visual field limits. The majority of cases with significant visual fields widening (79 %) correlated with post-operative decrease of resistance index in posterior short ciliary arteries (medial and lateral branches). The results of performed investigation allow to assume that the dispersed “Alloplant” biomaterial use in the treatment of patients with anterior ischemic optic neuropathy sequelae could promote the optic nerve blood supply improvement with further amelioration of visual function indices.


Venera Galimova

Federal State Budgetary Institution “The Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre”

Doctor of Medicine, Professor, 1st Deputy Director

Irina Verzakova

Bashkir State Medical University

Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of Radiodiagnostics and Radiotherapy Department with the Institute Course of Post Diploma Education of State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Yevgeniy Gareyev

Federal State Budgetary Institution “The Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre”

PhD in Biology

Zarina Karimova

Federal State Budgetary Institution “The Russian Eye and Plastic Surgery Centre”

Post Graduated Student


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版权所有 © Galimova V.U., Verzakova I.V., Gareyev Y.M., Karimova Z.K., 2013

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