Features of primary disability due to eye diseases in the Krasnodar region





A continuous statistical study of primary disability dynamics in ophthalmic patients during 2006–2011, according to the data from the branch # 7. For the entire observation period, a decrease in number of people first-time recognized as disabled was found. The nosologic structure of primary disability is shown, with glaucoma occupying the first place for the entire observation period, and myopia the second one during the last 5 years. Decreasing disability due to lens changes was found, from the second rank to the 6th one. An increase in primary disability due to AMD was recognized, moving AMD from the 10th place to the 3rd. A group analysis of patients, in whom glaucoma was a disabling condition, was performed. In 88–93% of cases, these persons were of retirement age. Higher prevalence of disability was noted among urban population. Among rural population in comparison with urban one, there were more group I and less group II disabled persons.


Anastasiya Apostolova

FKU “The Main Bureau of Medico-social Examination across Krasnodar Krai” branch N 7

Email: apostolovan@mail.ru


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