Engineering and experimental testing of two-wavelength laser-assisted device for photocoagulation of eye tissue





Retinal photocoagulation is believed to be one of most efficient methods to treat many retinal abnormalities. By now, a number of lasers operating at different wavelengths, irradiation intensities, and exposure times have been tested in search of optimal parameters for each type of retinal photocoagulation. Taking into consideration a wide range of such parameters, the primary objective of the present study was to develop a device that would combine the potentials of different lasers into a single universal laser-assisted coagulator (ULAC) equally suitable for a wide diversity of retinal disease. Important issue would be the creation of an experimental model allowing an operative evaluation of the coagulating effect induced by the ULAC. The sources of coherent irradiation to be combined were DPSS and diode lasers (532 and 810 nm, respectively). Through two individual fibers, irradiation generated by each of the lasers entered the optical blender to be further directed to the target, now via a single fiber. The target termed the “surrogate of living tissue” was a mixture of donor human blood and chicken egg white, which corresponded, respectively, to the chromophore and thermocoagulating agent, both sensitive to laser beams at 532 and 810 nm. As a result, irradiation of surrogate of living tissue by a laser under the trial caused the formation of a coagulate and its firm adhesion to the coverslip, after that the coagulate was separated from the unaffected surrogate of living tissue followed by its 3D-analysis. In conclusion, the whole procedure, while being relatively non-expensive and easy to perform, has proved to be simple enough for testing of a wide spectrum of coagulation-inducing parameters, whatever laser was used. Moreover, even the initial experiments have shown the high efficiency of the ULAC as a potential candidate for the application in ophthalmological practice.


Yury Astakhov

I. P. Pavlov State Medical University

doctor of medical science, professor, head of the department of ophthalmology

Yevgeny Akopov

I. P. Pavlov State Medical University

MD, PhD, assistant professor, department of ophthalmology

Aleksandr Ivanov

Company “Alkom Medika”

director, company “Alkom Medika”

Mariya Smirnova

Company “Alkom Medika”

researcher, company “Alkom Medika”

Leonid Panteleev

Company “Orion Medik”

general director, company “Orion Medik”

Alexey Nevorotin

I. P. Pavlov State Medical University

professor, doctor of biological science, head of electronic microscopy laboratory, scientific research centre.


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版权所有 © Astakhov Y.S., Akopov Y.L., Ivanov A.A., Smirnova M.A., Panteleev L.N., Nevorotin A.J., 2013

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