Primary glaucoma etiology: current theories and researches





The article presents a review of latest researches related to various aspects of primary glaucoma and optic neuropathy etiology. The effect of somatic factors on glaucoma progression is described. Arguments in favor of the interrelation of glaucoma and neurodegenerative processes are presented. The genetic basis for the development of glaucoma and a variety of its conjoined syndromes is considered. Immunological mechanisms that initiate the programmed cell death are analyzed. The processes that influence the increase of trabecular meshwork retention are also described as well as its role in the glaucoma pathogenesis.


Sergey Petrov

Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Ph. D., Senior research associate of the Glaucoma Department

Nnatal'ya Fokina

Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Ph. D., docent. Eye diseases department

Lyudmila Sherstneva

Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases

Ph. D., docent. Eye diseases department

Sergey Vostruhin

Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases

post-graduate student

Dar'ya Safonova

Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases

post-graduate student


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版权所有 © Petrov S.Y., Fokina N.D., Sherstneva L.V., Vostruhin S.V., Safonova D.M., 2015

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