Femtosecond laser effect on the self-sealing properties of the corneal incision of various lengths and profile (experimental trial)





An experimental investigation was carried out to study self-sealing properties of corneal incisions of different profile and length carried out with femtosecond laser Victus (Technolas Perfect Vision/Bausch&Lomb). Using femtosecond laser for this purpose allows creating corneal incisions of high precision and predictability. Reproducibility and standardization of the incision profile and length are an advantage of this technology. Obtained results showed that single-profile incisions are less stable and safe when compared to multi-profile ones. It was noted that incision length increase promotes its self-sealing properties.


Yulduz Nizametdinova

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I.Mechnikov

Email: yulduzik55@gmail.com
postgraduate student, department of ophtalmology

Yury Takhtaev

North-Western State Medical University named after I.I.Mechnikov

Email: Yurii.Takhtaev@spbmapo.ru
MD, head of ophthalmology department

Vadim Nikolaenko

City Ophthalmologic Centre of City hospital N 2

Email: dr.Nikolaenko@mail.ru
MD, doctor of medical science, head of ophthalmology department


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