Experimental reproduction of the glaucomatous process





The glaucomatous process is one of the important challenges in ophthalmology. And this is due primarily to the fact that, so far, the main causes for the onset and progression of glaucoma are not been fully determined. Numerous experimental studies concentrate on the role of ocular hypertension. However, there are forms of glaucoma, which are independent of the intraocular pressure level. A better experimental model for the study of glaucoma would also take into consideration the development of the characteristic complex of signs, in which a key sign would be a slowly progressing optic disc excavation. Therefore, taking into account the new knowledge in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative changes in glaucoma, the ability to investigate the brain, vascular factors of progression, the level of neurotransmitters, trophic factors, etc. should be added to this model. Therefore we tried to make an analysis of glaucoma models in various experimental animals to find most appropriate models to study the aspects of glaucoma pathogenesis.


Ilmira Gazizova

Bashkir State Medical University

Email: ilmira_ufa@rambler.ru
M. D., assistant professor ophthalmology

Vladimir Alekseyev

I. I. Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University

Email: Alexeev.spgma@mail.ru
M.D., Ph.D., professor, managing chair of ophthalmology

Dmitriy Nikitin

I. I. Mechnikov Northwestern State Medical University

Email: dmitry_nikitin@list.ru
postgraduate student of chair of ophthalmology


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版权所有 © Gazizova I.R., Alekseyev V.N., Nikitin D.N., 2013

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