The level of local cytokine production at different times after experimental ciliary body cryodestruction




We assessed the level of pro- (IL1β, FNOα, IL2) and anti-inflammatory (IL10) cytokines in the anterior chamber fluid of experimental animals on the 3rd, 7th and 30th day, after an experimental ciliary body destruсtion with porous titanium nickelid cryoapplicator. Consistent changes of the cytokine content at the local level are reflecting the reactivity of the experimental animals as an answer both to surgery in ciliary body area, and to its experimental cyclodestruction using the cryoapplicator from titanium nickelid. The predominance of pro-inflammatory cytokines’ potential was found during the early period (3-7 day), and the balance normalization of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines was found at late observation period (30 days) due to the increase of the anti-inflammatory IL-10 production; this effect was maintained at the end of the long-term study period (1.5 years).


Aleksey Steblyuk

S. N. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Complex, Krasnodar Branch

candidate of medical science, ophthalmologist

Natal'ya Kolesnikova

Kuban State Medical University

doctor of biological science, professor. Immunology, Allergology and Laboratory Testing department

Viktor Gyunter

Research Institute of Shape Memory Material under Siberian Physico-technical Institute

doctor of technical science, professor

Vadim Bodnya

Kuban State Medical University

doctor of medical science, assistant professor. Oncology and Thoracic Surgery department

Anna Tserkovnaya

Clinical oncology hospital N 1

oncologist, aspirant


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版权所有 © Steblyuk A.N., Kolesnikova N.V., Gyunter V.E., Bodnya V.N., Tserkovnaya A.A., 2015

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