Modern extrascleral surgery in the treatment of regmatogenous retinal detachment: efficacy evaluation and functional results




The basic principles of extrascleral surgery, which are currently used in the treatment of regmatogenous retinal detachment (RD), have not changed much since their heyday in the 70–80s of the 20th century, and they remain relevant both as an independent method to treat this disease in certain clinical cases, and in combination with vitrectomy.

The aim is to evaluate the efficacy of RD extrascleral treatment methods (anatomical result, visual acuity), as well as the frequency and timing of the relapses.

Materials and methods. The study was carried out at the vitreoretinal department of the Ophthalmological Center of the City Hospital No. 2 of St. Petersburg. A sample of 466 patients with RD, operated with extrascleral methods in 2015–2016 has been analyzed. Anatomical results, visual acuity, number and timing of relapses have been assessed.

Results. The efficacy of extrascleral surgery reaches 89%, RD recurrence after surgical treatment occurs in 21% of patients.


Andrey Shchukin

City Ophthalmologic Center of City Hospital No. 2


PhD, Ophthalmologist

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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