Individual hygiene program of stomatologic conditions prevention in ophthalmologic patients





Aim. To describe features of formation and carrying-out of an individual hygiene program of stomatologic conditions prevention in ophthalmologic patients.

Methods. The formation of hygiene program of prevention.

Results. Action tendency and procedure of the program stages conduct with consideration for patient’s status are stated. Peculiarities of professional and individual oral hygiene during pre-op and post-op periods are reflected.

Conclusions. It is necessary to take into account physical characteristics of oral hygiene products (vibration, sound, ultrasound, etc.) concerning subsequent ophthalmic procedures and special aspects of post-op period course.


Sergey Ulitovskiy

Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2070-0472
SPIN 代码: 8543-2581
Researcher ID: G-5261-2015

Honored Doctor of Russia, Honored Dentist of Russian Dental Association, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of the Preventive Dentistry Department, Head of the Scientist Department of the Science Research Institute of Dentistry and Oral Surgery

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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