The role of antimicrobial drops Okomistin® in combined chronic blepharoconjunctivitis treatment



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Purpose. The evaluation of antimicrobial drops Okomistin® efficacy in combined treatment of chronic blepharoconjunctivitis. Material and methods. 80 patients (160 eyes) with chronic blepharoconjunctivitis were monitored. Demodex acne was found in eyelids of 72 eyes, the growth of saprophytic microflora in 28 cases. The complex of treatment and prevention measures consisted of daily compresses of Сalendula aqueous solution, instillations of Okomistin® eye drops, artificial tears. In the research group, the ultrasound eyelid margin micromassage was performed, and eyelid D’Arsonval therapy in demodex acne cases. Results. More rapid acute illness relief was observed in the eyes of patients in whom physiotherapy treatment was performed. Okomistin® instillations allow achieving sterile conjunctival culture in 3-5 days. Combined therapy helps to restore meibomian gland function, to achieve long-term disease remission. Conclusions. Combined use of the Okomistin®, physiotherapy, hygiene procedures, artificial tears is an effective and safe treatment method for chronic blepharoconjunctivitis combined treatment.


Igor Makarov

Medical clinic of Research center of neurology

MD, doctor of medical science


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