Results of intraocular foreign body removal from the posterior segment by direct approach



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Objective: to evaluate early and remote complication of intraocular foreign body (FB) removal by direct approach, and to determine indications for splinter removal through the wound. Material and methods. Case history analysis was performed in 31 patients with missile eye injuries. In all patients, FB was removed by direct approach at initial surgical debridement. Results. Foreign body penetration was accompanied with injuries of different eye segments, which were manifested by vitreous hemorrhage, hyphema, subretinal hemorrhage, retinal detachment, traumatic cataract. In 12 patients, there was a need in additional surgical treatment consisting in retinal laser barrage, vitrectomy, cataract extraction. As a result of treatment, visual acuity increased in 58.06% of injured. At the remote post-op period, retinal detachment developed in 16.13% cases, and vitreoretinal procedures were performed. Conclusions. Intraocular foreign body removal from the posterior eye segment using direct approach is appropriate if the FB is in the wound or in its immediate proximity. Most serious complications of missile injury are proliferative vitreoretinopathy and retinal detachment, demanding vitreoretinal surgery.


Vadim Nikolaenko

City Multifield Hospital N 2

MD, PhD, Doc.Med.Sci., head of department. Ophthalmology Department

Mariya Kataeva

City Multifield Hospital N 2



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